Dignity,Health, Mobility.
It’s the simple things that matter the most
In the Beginning
Archangel Raphael’s Mission (ARM) was founded in 2014 as a group effort to do more in our community. Our founders collectively identified that health and hygiene access was an extremely overlooked service in most communities.
While shelter and food are essential, multiple pairs of clothes, access to showers, soap, and toilets are often overlooked necessities for a dignified life that the team decided to dedicate themselves to providing. Services like free haircuts, a station to wash your hand, and an opportunity to shower are some ways that ARM continues to expand equal health and hygiene access in our community.
What we did
The ARM team first addressed the situation by providing nightly, family-style community dinners to the homeless through partnerships with local businesses. The dinners provided food and positive social engagement throughout the community and exposed another critical issue: access to hygiene services.
What we’re doing
Life is tough, it’s even tougher when you haven’t had a shower, a haircut, or a great meal, so we provide programs that offer these basic human necessities.
The ARM team’s current mission: to provide health and hygiene services to those who need it. ARM believes that no one should have to live without these basic necessities. Dignity, Community, and Opportunity are the three values that drive our team.
Life is tough, it’s even tougher when you haven’t had a shower, a haircut, or a great meal. We cultivate opportunity by working with communities to offer services to those who could most use them. In this way we help restore dignity to those who might have lost it, so that they can more readily pursue greater opportunities.