Mobile Dignity Stations
Clean Hands, When They’re Needed Most
How would you feel if you could not take the simplest precautions to protect yourself?
ARM has always believed in the power of Hygiene..
.. and the recent COVID crisis has shone a spotlight on hygiene access. In partnership with Elijah’s Promise, Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, Coming Home Middlesex County, and the New Brunswick Coalition of Faith Leaders ARM is pleased to present our “fleet” of six Mobile Handwashing Stations in New Brunswick.
The first station will begin piloting daily at the United Methodist Church located at 323 George Street starting Mothers Day, May 10th in conjunction with their feeding program. Currently this location will provide: hygiene access, care packs, health education, free masks, and more from 5:30pm - 7:30pm. Our working group is currently at work placing the next five locations around the city, using our critera of prioritizing:
Places of service
Areas of Congregation
Geographically diverse locations
There are three main ways to get involved with this initiative:
We are currently in great need of:
Hand sanitizer
Clorox wipes/lysol spray
surgical masks (handmade or purchased)
paper towels (pre-perforated rolls)